Tuesday 27 May 2014

One of those days:(

I had a rough day today. I was EXTREMELY emotional for no good reason. It was so random and just plain silly. I'm not exactly sure why I am sharing this. I guess to admit to myself and others that life isn't always sunshine and rainbows:)

The day started off as every other except this morning Lennox and I dashed out the door at 8:00 am for his appointment with the Vision Clinic at ACH. Happy to report his peepers are perfect! Spent a couple of hours at the hospital and then headed for home. As usual, Mr. Man was an angel.

It was a typical morning except on the way to our appointment, I became teary thinking about something... Not even sure why it affected me, but it did nonetheless. I have a niece that is not only stunningly gorgeous on the outside but equally as beautiful on the inside. She has had a friend who happens to have Down syndrome for probably over 10 years. She posted a pic of them on FB and just thinking of it warmed my heart so much it actually brought me to tears. I love that girl and I know that she will ALWAYS have Lennox's back. Thank you Teagan, for being beautiful you<3

So that was just the start of my emotional breakdown. 

My mind seemed to be the worst place for me today...the more I thought about things, the loonier I became. I felt I was headed for Crazytown and my bags were packed. Driving home from the hospital, I became teary yet again for something I don't even remember now. Once home, I struggled with my FB page and the issues that seemed to have popped up overnight....VERY disheartening for me:(

I felt I needed some fresh air and the sun on my face to clear whatever crazy blues that had taken over my brain. You know how they say "A 10 minute walk is all you need to clear your mind and boost your spirit"? Not today. We walked for a whole hour and pretty much the whole time I was weeping about something... Lennox fell asleep and when I'd peek in and see him dozing so peacefully with his little tongue poking through his lips, thinking he is just so perfect...more tears. I thought about Lennox's upcoming walk for Ups and Downs and how our team will be close to 30 people. My peeps taking time to come out and support us means so much to me. I don't think they even have a clue how much it means to me. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. Gah!!!  

I'm not entirely sure what other things crossed my mind on the walk, I just remember thinking...I am an ugly crier and people walking by are going to wonder what's wrong with my face! There are other families that I have connected with over FB that have legitimate reasons to cry today. And I actually cried for them too. What is my deal?

I honestly thought I was losing my mind. I wasn't sure what was happening to me or why. Early menopause maybe...? Whatever it was I'm glad the day is over. I'm not always a rock and I'm not always the glue. I am me and I am taking one day at a time. Some days are better than others. And today was an off day for me. I am okay admitting it. The sun will rise again tomorrow and with that comes a fresh start. Good night!

PS. My girlfriend's daughter, Megan posted on FB her fundraising campaign...for Down syndrome Awareness. http://teespring.com/miraclesof21
I had NO idea about this at all until it came up in my News Feed. And guess what happened next? It was the icing on the cake! Bless you Meg<3. I hope you raise your goal and more!!!

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