Wednesday 11 June 2014

Happy bloggin-versary:)

It has been a year since I started blogging about our journey with loving Lennox. We have come so far in this short amount of time. 365 days to be exact.

Looking back, it's hard to believe I ever had doubts. All my fears, my anxiety, and my grief are distant memories. My advice to anyone with a recent prenatal diagnosis is this...educate and celebrate. Your grief will pass and will be replaced by excitement, followed by joy. Your heart feels sadness at the moment, but soon will feel a love like no other.

The stats still surprise me. 1/10, they say survive a prenatal diagnosis. I'm not entirely sure where those statistics come from... I have met ALOT of moms that knew BEFORE their child was born that he/she would have Down syndrome. And it seems like a lot more than the stated 1/10. It warms my heart knowing that in our Ds community, the numbers are so much higher than the statistical 1/10. My hope is to bring so much awareness that those numbers will go even higher. I am so thankful we chose life. I can not imagine missing out on all there is to my sweet Lennox. He truly is our gift and is cherished beyond words.

So, it was just a short year ago that we set out on our journey with loving and learning all there is about raising a child with Down syndrome. So far, so good. I like this road!

We are gearing up for our second Ups and Downs walk this Saturday. Rain or shine, it will be a blast. We are all very excited, and especially since Lennox will be a part of it this year. There will be roughly 27 friends and family members walking for Team Lennox. I am so happy:) I will be posting pictures of course, so stay tuned. We managed to reach our fundraising goal of $1500.00. Yay for everyone that helped out and donated. Ups and Downs is an organization that we will be a part of for as long as we live in Calgary. So thank you, thank you! Your hard earned dollars will be put towards helping us help Lennox reach his full potential in life:) and for us to gain more insight as to what our life may hold as our journey progresses.

And thanks to all for following. I hope that in sharing our story manages to help shed some SUNSHINE where there may be darkness... 

Team Lennox! Booyah:)

On a side note, my beautiful and amazing daughter graduated grade 12:) and my smart and handsome big boy finished up at SAIT in Chemical Engineering and now  is officially a tax payer! So proud of both of my babies:) Here's a pic of Braedyn on grad night. No pics of Ky (yet)!
Life is good! xo

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