Sunday 25 August 2013

This and That...

Alas, summer is over and we are now busy gearing up for back to school! The break went by so quickly.  It was a productive couple of months, gearing up for baby.  And Magnus was kept busy with friends and daily trips to the park. During one of our last weeks of summer, we went for a camping trip with my side of the family. It was great to see everyone and the kiddies and how they've all grown!  Next year we will have a baby which may pose a bit of a challenge, only because I am a clean freak and the dirt and dust was a bit much for me:)  But we all had a great time and I'm looking forward to next years reunion!

The past few days have been spent outside at the park and on the driveway shooting hoops and riding bikes in the cul-de-sac with the neighbours kids.  Magnus has had a good summer and as all good things must come to an end, I  also have to return to work. Its only for a couple of months though, before our big day!  The C-section is booked for November 6.  Which is only a short 10 weeks away!

I had another ultrasound the other day, to monitor his growth.  He remains to measure well, according to dates and has no soft markers for Down syndrome at all.  In fact, the Perinatologist said that if he didn't know of our CVS and our results, he would never guess that our baby has Down syndrome from the look of the scan!  How crazy is that?

So this leads people to ask "Do you think that maybe they were wrong, and he doesn't have DS?"  I admit, the thought too has crossed my mind, solely because we are human, and peolpe can make mistakes.  However, I witnessed them placing my name label to the sample.  And to assume the cells tested were actual placental tissue and not my own, and according to the results, I know that a) I am not male and b) I do not have DS, so only unless the lab misplaced my sample with someone else's, it is 99% certain, he will be born with Down syndrome.  But it is totally fine and no longer is a concern.  We feel ready for anything!  We just want him to be healthy.  And if the results from the ultrasounds are any indication of his overall health, then I am happy:)

As another season ends and school and all the madness that entails draws closer, so does the last trimester I will ever experience in my life...  The next 2 snd a half months will fly by, and I can hardly wait!  His room is done, and clothes are neatly in his drawers.  We are ready....!  AND I am going to be a Great Aunt (which makes me sound sooo old) in the next few weeks, which is so exciting! So two babies just double the fun and I am looking forward to our little guy having a cousin so close in age to grow up with.

And so, with the fresh smell of Autumn in the air, the countdown yet another chapter of the Lang Chronicles!
Stay tuned!

Friday 9 August 2013

A quick update

I have been an absent blogger lately. My summer has been filled with moving rooms around, painting and repainting the baby's room and trying to get out and enjoy the sunshine when we get it.

I am feeling really good, and other than my growing belly I would never know I was even pregnant.  I have always had good pregnancies with very little symptoms or complaints.  But I am much older this time, so I am just waiting for the aches and pains as I get further along.  I love being pregnant and to be honest will be kind of sad when it's over.  I have planned for a tubal ligation at delivery as I know that my days of being a mommy have to come to an end eventually...Sigh!

As far as baby goes, he is growing as he should and is busy thumping away while he has the room to move.  His mild pericardial effusion was not seen on the last ultrasound, which makes me happy.  And there was no mention of any concerns regarding his development. Fingers crossed that it continues.  I will be going for follow up scans every 4 weeks so they can monitor his growth.  Apparently as pregnancy progresses, the placenta can stop being as efficient and his growth may slow down.  Not sure if its a risk related to Down syndrome or my age, or both?  As it stands, we are already scheduled for an early delivery around 38 weeks.

We also have a consult to meet with a Neonatologist to learn what their role at delivery will be and all of the tests and exams that will be done after he's born.  I am told that everyone tends to get a little more "excited" when there is a known abnormality.  More so than one that is diagnosed after delivery. Hmmm...interesting.

So time is ticking away slowly, but surely.  Summer is half over and Fall will be here before we know.  Magnus is counting the weeks until school, then Halloween, then baby.

I haven't had much to blog about these days.  The emotional roller coaster has stopped.  I am done with the research and books for now.  We are all in a good place.  Just eagerly awaiting the arrival of our little monkey:)