Saturday 14 November 2015

All Aboard the Potty Train

Big things have been happening in the Lang household. Two words. Potty. Training.

About two months ago I noticed Lennox was showing signs of possible bladder control. His diaper was often dry throughout the day and during bath time he would instantly pee the second his feet hit the water, but would stop the flow and then proceed again. Although I have years of past experience with my other 4, I am by no means a potty training expert. He wasn't even two yet...he possibly couldn't be anywhere near ready to start learning to use a potty.

Of all the literature I've read since having Lennox, none of it included on how to potty train. I just knew based on what I had heard, that I shouldn't really "expect" anything until at least 3.5 - 4 years. Fair enough. I was prepared to wait.

It wasn't something that I set out to do with any real expectations, but I figured it couldn't hurt getting him used to at least sitting on his Frog pot, even if was a year before anything ended up in the bottom of it. A week before his second birthday, after countless sit downs with him getting up right away wanting to jump into the tub not understanding what it was for, I decided to try putting the pot INTO the tub. Something I never thought of with the rest of my gang. Needless to say, it worked. Just add water ;) After his success, of course there were cheers of excitement from both him and I. I thought maybe it was a fluke but was thrilled nonetheless. The following two nights, he did the exact same thing. You could literally see it in his face "Ohhh, that's what his little Frog seat is for!"

Next step was trying the Pot on the bathroom floor, not expecting much but he went instantly, surprising me yet AGAIN! That's when I decided it was go time. And he's been going ever since...and that was 3 weeks ago. He even wakes up and if I get to him fast enough he will wait until he's sitting down to go. We are back to waking frequently in the night because of it, but that's more than ok with me...he likes to hug while on the potty in his sleepy is the sweetest thing. I can force myself out if bed in the dead of night for that anytime! Two poocastrophies and one accident in the car which happened the second we pulled into the driveway...totally our fault for keeping him out too long...and now he is fully day trained...poop and all! FOUR months ahead of his siblings. That's a record with the Lang Gang!!

Down syndrome? So what!

If I have learned anything over the last couple of years, it's not to set limits based on what anyone else says. How do you know what your child is capable of doing if you don't challenge them a little. The long and the short of it is...I have learned that when it comes to Lennox, to expect the unexpected.