Thursday 15 May 2014

May I have a word...?

I am sitting here in the morning writing this post. Something I NEVER get to do. I've already had my 2 cups of coffee and the dishes are done. This is a rarity for me. Why do I have this extra time you ask? Lennox is sleeping AGAIN! Today, nap time came a lot earlier than it normally does.

Lennox had his 6 month immunizations last Friday. Yes, Measles included. And now a week later, his growing little body has taken a hit because of it. I admit I am a little frustrated that he even needed to get the vaccine in the first place!! This world is a crazy, confusing place sometimes.

Because I am a nurse, I am a firm believer in allowing the body to heal and repair itself with any common illness. We don't run to the doctor for fevers unless they have lasted longer than I feel they should or there are any other symptoms that I feel aren't on the "normal" side of things. And honestly, up until this past year, our family never even got a flu shot, aside from the H1N1 and my family is typically healthy.

But now, vaccine wary families have changed things for everyone. An astonishing 20% of the population delay or choose not to vaccinate their children. Awesome for them, but not so awesome for the 80% that want to keep their children disease free. I feel kids these days do get an awful lot of needles so I can appreciate the hesitancy. However, let's stop and think about this... I'm almost certain there will be other outbreaks. Different diseases coming back because of these individual choices. After all who thought Measles would be a worry in this day and age? This map shows the recent outbreaks across the world.

I guess it just boggles my mind. And I am saddened that my little monkey is feeling so rotten right now when he really shouldn't. He shouldn't have NEEDED to get the vaccine at all. An unnecessary immunization...until 12 months of age! And he still will receive his regular MMR in another 6 months. An extra poke. Another day of feeling rotten.

Want to "cut down" on the amount of immunizations given to your child? Let's get educated and help protect each other and our children and our children's children...!

*Please note that this is just my personal opinion as a parent. I am not passing judgement or pointing fingers(aside from the photo). I am just as concerned about the amount of vaccines and what are in them. But I also know that it would break my heart if any of my children came down with any illness that could have been prevented. Wouldn't you?

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