Monday 30 December 2013

Mama bear

It's been 2 months to date. The days turned to weeks and now to months. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. With Christmas behind us, a bright new year awaits!

This past month we have seen a Child Development specialist (I never knew such an occupation existed up until now). Shirley is great and is very encouraging. I learned how to do Baby Massage, and Lennox enjoys the benefits following his bath. We also saw a physiotherapist who gave some ideas for optimal positioning to help him control his extremities easier. Our little man has cooperated every time:)

Lennox has been the perfect baby. He squaks instead of crying and those squaks are rare. Even though he's so quiet, he still lets us know he's there:). His immunizations were this morning and he has been a good boy all day. He now weighs 8lbs 7oz and we are doing well with Breastfeeding. Thank goodness!

He is such a content munchkin and seems to be starting to smile intentionally, Not all the time, but when he does, he smiles with his whole face! His beautiful eyes turn into crescent moons and it melts our hearts every time!

He coos and makes little sighing sounds when he's laying still and looking around. And he is becoming more active by swinging his arms and hitting his toys. Whether he means to or not, it is still fun to watch him learn.

His neck is getting stronger day by day and he seems to get upset if he can't hold his head up as long as he'd like to. Daddy does leg exercises with him and he pushes on Paxton's hands with ease. He has a lot of strength, especially in his arms and manages to pull himself up while holding our fingers. His little head often lags when he does it and he gets upset, but his strength and tone is most impressive:)

Of all these wonderful moments that have passed, my favorite has to be that he KNOWS me. He senses when I'm not around and seems fussy until I return. He settles with the mere sound of my voice. My boy loves me and I love my boy! I am his mommy and he knows it...What a feeling:)
Happy 2 months Monkey:)

Monday 23 December 2013

Twelve Days of Christie-mas

On the first day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
A perfectly precious baby!

On the second day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Two hairy dogs...

On the third day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Three growing teens...

On the fourth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Four cups of "joe"...

On the fifth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me an energetic
Five year old!

On the sixth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Six hours of sleep...
(I'll take it!)

On the seventh day of Christie-mas
The Good Lord sent to me
Seven mouths to feed...

On the eighth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Eight feet of snow...
(Ok, it's a slight exaggeration)

On the ninth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Nine loads of laundry...
(It's never ending)

On the tenth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Ten days off school...

On the eleventh day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Eleven extra pounds...
(All the goodies aren't helping)

On the twelfth day of Christie-mas,
The Good Lord sent to me
Twelve for turkey dinner...

This year has brought me a lifetime of joy and I am very thankful for all the happy moments and have appreciation for the challenges I have experienced. I know 2014 will be full of many more exciting and maybe challenging times but I am looking forward to making new memories with my family and friends. Thank you to everyone who have been so supportive this past year. Your love has been the greatest gift:). I wish you all a happy holiday full of memories with your loved ones!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone :)

Wednesday 18 December 2013

"V" for victory!

Lennox had a sleep study last night to see if he's ready to come off the oxygen. I've already had him off it for nearly 2 weeks during the day, and only putting it on him at night. 

He is much stronger and very alert and alot more active than he was even 2 weeks ago. He is growing more each and every day and gaining weight slowly each week. He is now 8 lbs! As they say, "slow and steady wins the race!" 

Anyway, it turns out he is completely fine off the oxygen but because we are well into RSV season, they would like to keep him on it at night for the next month. More for precautionary measures in case he becomes sick at anytime. Because he is still so small and it's only been a month or so, he hasn't really built up quite enough reserve to withstand an illness like RSV, even with his immunizations. So, unfortunately the oxygen is going to continue to be a thorn in my side at least until February. But it is all for good reason and of course I want whats best for my little Prince :)

A bittersweet victory!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Home run for Lennox

Well my boy has done it! We have been nursing now for the past 4 days. Exclusively nursing. No supplements, no top ups. At first I was very nervous for obvious reasons. He has been gaining weight steadily and I was worried that might change if I played around with our feeding routine. Feeding challenges are very common in babes with DS. I have learned that first hand. And there was no way I wanted to go down that road again. 

It was a bit of a struggle at first. Essentially he had to learn to latch all over again. A couple of times I was ready to give up. To just go back to what was working. In many ways it seemed easier. But now that we've achieved what I was hoping for, I realize my old routine of pumping and sterilizing bottles, was way more draining. 

I don't want to preach about the benefits of breastfeeding. I am 110% in favor of each mother doing what she feels is best for her and her baby. I am not one of those women that stands there and says with hands on hips "breast is best". I chose to give him the benefits of breastfeeding for not only the nutrients and added protection against any illnesses but for the potential of it helping later, with his speech by strengthening his tongue and jaw. I still offer him the occasional bottle, mostly when we're out. To me, it seems easier. We are a busy family and stopping the entire gang for even 20 minutes just sometimes isn't an option. It works. And if "it ain't broke, why fix it?"

I will see if its going as well as I think it is, later this week at weigh in. It's hard not to stress about whether he is getting what he needs. It goes back to the feeling of inadequacy and self doubt. But I really just need to trust my instincts. I have had over 5 weeks to get to know my baby. He can show me in many ways what he needs and I just need to relax and listen to him. We both know what we're doing, and the best part is, we're doing it together. 

I think we've hit this one out of the park!