Wednesday 4 March 2015

Spread the word...

Even before our journey began, I thought it was important to be considerate of others. Growing up, I never treated anyone who was seen as "different" any differently and I certainly NEVER called anyone with a disability the R word! Although I do plead guilty of having used the slang variations on occasion in my much much younger years. I simply cannot defend myself, nor am I even going to try. It's shameful. There was no thought going into how it actually sounded. I am aware now more than ever, that words hold a lot of power and have the ability to cause a lot of pain.

I am not one to get on my soap box and preach. I am not. BUT I do like to stand up for what I believe is right. And in this day and age, using the R word simply IS NOT RIGHT. Some rationalize by saying "It's a generation thing". Call it what you will. It still doesn't change the fact that is inconsiderate, inappropriate and disrespectful. Not to mention, "so last century'!

In the middle of the 20th century, the terms "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" were invented to replace the previous set of terms which were deemed to have become offensive. By the end of the 20th century, these terms have become widely seen as politically incorrect and in need of replacement(Wikipedia) I am so glad that ship has sailed and anything medically relating to the word "slow progression" is now considered in certain instances, a restriction. The new and more acceptable terms used are intellectual or cognitive disability. However, I have still heard the retired terms used on numerous occasions by medical professionals. I shake my head. How can the rest of society be aware and you with all your knowledge still be so incredibly ignorant? If you are a professional, BE aware. Lead by example. BE professional! 

The slang use of the word "retarded" to describe a situation or an event or otherwise sounds absolutely absurd. And honestly, when I hear people use this word in this context it literally takes my breathe away. I never imagined I could experience a physical reaction to a word. But it seriously feels like a sucker punch in the gut, even though it has absolutely NOTHING to do with me or my child. It's not right and honestly, it's a lazy descriptive word that really doesn't even make sense and sounds rather crass. So if you're one that uses this word to describe a bad movie or an outrageously overpriced item..STOP and please think of an alternate word. A better one.

And if you call a person...ANY person the R word...well then you're just plain rude. If you call a person with a disability, the R word, then you are an ignorant a$$ and maybe a few other choice words. 

People ask..Is it EVER ok to use the R word? Unless you are speaking in regards to actively slowing an object down, then the answer is yes. If not, then NO.

I have heard so many stories where this word was used offensively and when confronted, the individual becomes defensive and sometimes even belligerent. Seriously?! That just blows my mind. Why get uptight if someone calls them on their ignorance? Are they THAT pigheaded that they refuse to admit they slipped or made a poor choice in words? Are they embarrassed and feel they need to defend themselves? GET OVER YOURSELF!!

I can preach all I want in a closed forum. I do want to help spread the word to end the word, however, I also like to avoid confrontation. It's part of who I am, but I know that day will come where I will have to defend my son or one of his friends. And when that day comes, Lord help that person!

In the meantime, if you DO use the R word from time to time unintentionally or otherwise, I ask you to kindly STOP! Respect others. Rethink of an alternate word. Remove it from your vocabulary. You may think you're only one person but by being a leading example, others around you may follow. Let's end this RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Take the pledge...for Lennox. For his friends. And for everyone else with a cognitive disability. People are people. If you have already taken the pledge, we thank you! To see more visit 

Ok, I will get off my soap box now. 

Follow us on Facebook at Loving Lennox - A story of peace, love and Down syndrome <3

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