Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Go team!

As a family we have grown by one, and all are in love with Lennox. We have meshed in a way that makes my heart so happy. The older ones really pulled together while I was away and helped with Magnus. Ky and Magnus seem to have a stronger bond than ever, and I feel proud that my young man rose to the challenge. Mama has been a tremendous help with keeping the house in order and everyone fed. Pax has been as loving and supportive as he always has been. Watching him with a new baby, makes me love him even more. He is such a good dad, that I know any challenges we may face with raising Lennox, we will face them together. My family, my team!

Lennox also has many other teams that are rooting for him. Now that we've been home for a few days. I'd like to say things have been going tickity boo, but that would be a lie. There are so many people involved in his care that it is overwhelming. The saying "too many cooks the kitchen" comes to mind. But I guess the more people to care for him and help him succeed, the better.

We have the Public Health Nurses come in to check his weight and feeding etc. Since home, we still struggle with feeding. The goal is to get him back to birthweight ASAP. He still tires, even with the bottle, and I occasionally need to syringe feed him. Which he at times still rejects by spitting out a percentage. It sometimes feels like I'm losing this battle. I am persistent in feeding him every three hours, whether he wants it or not. And the feeds take anywhere from 20-60 minutes. The PH nurses put pressure on to minimize the feeds to 20 minutes, otherwise he is spending too many calories. I understand the rationale but it is a little frustrating, because they are basing their teaching on the "average" neonate. So now I have moved on to a new team at the Breastfeeding clinic. Even though I am currently not nursing him, I am hoping once he gets stronger, he will sustain enough energy to exclusively breastfeed. That is my goal!

Today, we had the Paediatric Homecare team come by the house to check his oxygen levels, vital signs and weight. Happy to report that he is almost at birthweight! The nurse will continue to come out weekly for weights and check ups. The RT plans in coming by every couple of weeks until he is off the O2, which will hopefully be in a month's time.

There is also the Early Child Development Team, that will follow him well into his teen years. I have yet to meet with them all, but the Nurse Clinician came out to see us while in hospital and will follow up within the next couple of weeks. I spoke with the Dietician from the team and we decided to fortify his breast milk to increase his caloric intake. There is also an OT, that touched base with me today as well. So there are alot of people on our side that will be along for the ride. It's reassuring to know that I will never be alone and there are the resources available to us on this  incredible journey.
A journey that we will take day by day...So all of our days are filled with sunshine:)
2750g today... Almost at birthweight of 2790g.  Go Baby Lennox:)

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