Wednesday 13 August 2014

Enjoying the small things

Life with Lennox has been great. He is great! We seem to be at a stand still for development but I am ok with that. All in due time. We work daily on crawling...which isn't even close to happening but we practice anyway. He can sit for long periods while turning, bending, twisting and reaching and uprighting himself. He plays with toys and explores what they can do. I can see the little wheels turning behind those dark blue eyes. And I can't wait for him to start putting his thoughts in motion.
Everyday I fall more in love with this little boy. He fills my heart up just by his looks, his smiles, his excitement and determination. The rest of the gang are pretty fond of him too. Magnus is such a proud big brother and is excellent with him. He is playful, interactive, patient and protective. He is an awesome kid, and loves his little brother to the moon. I know I will never have to worry when Magnus is around. He will always have his brother's back❤️so proud!

Life has been good. Crazy, but good. As good as it is, sometimes I feel that life is happening around me. I have been very busy with Miracles of 21, sharing stories and photos to help bring awareness. Working on a video project for awareness. Promoting my page...for awareness. It is something that is obviously very near and dear to my heart, but while I am BRINGING awareness, I may be losing a bit of myself in the process. A little self reflection has lead me to reevaluate. 

It seems that lately, a big priority has been my Facebook page and everything else seems to come in between updates and posts. My phone has become a major distraction. I want to share my love for Lennox with the world so they can see what I see. So they can feel what I feel and help shed some light to those that still may have reservations about children and people with disabilities. I feel I have been an advocate above everything else. It has been a balancing act and it has consumed me. As much as I love what I'm doing, I feel I need to reset. It's easy to become too caught up. I need to remember that I am Mom first, Advocate second. I need to start enjoying the small things again...

It has been over a month since my last post, but to be honest, there hasn't been much to blog about. You can follow our daily shenanigans, on Loving Lennox. And I will continue to post when I can😊. 

I am off to bed. It's going to be another full day of being a mom tomorrow! I'm hanging up the phone. If you need me, I'll be at the park!

Thanks for your love and support💙💛

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