Just because we were sad following the diagnosis doesn't mean that we didn't want him. And it certainly didn't mean we loved him any less just because he had an extra chromosome. There now was just a little more to love <3
Down syndrome is misunderstood by so many. Society has a certain idea of what Down syndrome is and that in turn places a certain level of fear into those planning to have or already expecting a baby. It's true, there are things about raising a child with Down syndrome that will differ from raising a child without Down syndrome. There are some more specialized needs that may require a little different approach to parenting and take a little more patience. But just because it may take a little longer to learn and do things, does not mean that Lennox or any of his friends will never be able to do things independently. Just because there is a degree of cognitive disability does not mean you will "have a child forever". Individuals with Ds are becoming more and more independent with the growing amount of resources and services that are available. You can't put limits on the possibilities of the abilities. Lennox shows us more and more every day what he is capable of achieving on his own. And his determination is something we all could learn from. And for the record, there are no guarantees that parenting will be a cake walk just because a child doesn't have Ds. Parenting is hard. PERIOD.

Just because I chose to share Lennox and our journey with the rest of the world, does not mean I am looking for anything. I share him because I am proud, that is no secret. I want to educate and bring awareness to others. There is great hope for children with Down syndrome. I wish to open as many hearts and minds as possible and if I can help even ONE family find peace, to see the beauty and celebrate the gift that comes with having a child with Down syndrome then I have achieved my goal! And I will keep sharing the love... just because it's just too awesome not to!
I mean seriously...who wouldn't be happy seeing this sweet smile everyday?
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