Wednesday, 13 August 2014

A Perfect World

Since having sweet little Lennox, life has changed some. Ok, alot! Yup this little fella has turned my life upside down. The house isn't as kept as I'd like and the laundry is always 8 feet high. Life has been extremely busy since his arrival 9.5 months ago. But I'll let you in on a could not be more complete. He has made our world even brighter with his constant look of adoration and his wide mouthed smile. Yes, I think the laundry can wait, and the house...well,'s lived in:)

Lennox has a great little life. He is more than thriving and so am I. Our own Circle 21 has gotten so much bigger that it's crazy to think one extra little chromosome can hold so much magic. But it truly does. It connects you to complete strangers. We all feel it, and it is a feeling that is indescribable. We admire, we encourage, we relate, and we genuinely care about each others children. Some whom we have never met nor will probably ever meet. We. Are. Connected.

We are also admired, encouraged and cared about by so many. Our family, our dear friends that have not wavered over time and our new friends we have met along the way, and by our Facebook followers that have chosen to follow our journey. All, to care and to share the love for Down syndrome. Thank you to each and every one of you! I have said it many times...your care and support is appreciated more than you probably will ever know. Please know that when I say this, that I'm not crying in a corner or laying on the floor in a puddle of self pity. The support we receive is ongoing encouragement and interest in what Lennox is up to, how he's doing and how we are managing. It's nice to know that people are in your corner and I am extremely grateful:) I admit though, where I thought I'd have an outpouring of support, there has been minimal. People I thought would be there and well to be honest haven't shown much interest at all... and I find myself wondering why that is. I know life is busy for everyone. I often wonder if some may feel that support may not be needed. That I always manage to get through things usually unscathed. Without a hair out of place. Haha, yeah right. Are they thinking..."They say he's more alike than different, so why should we treat Lennox any differently? We should just treat him the same as we do other children." Is that what goes through their minds, I wonder.

The truth is, yes he IS more alike than different. But raising him IS different than with my other children. Yes, we will treat him the same. We will encourage, celebrate, and discipline. But what some people may not realize is that it may be a little harder, a little more frustrating at times. We may have a little more heartache. The celebrations may be far and few between, but we will get there and when we do, there WILL be a celebration. But what many fail to realize is this...the road may be the same, but our journey is very different. The path is long and winding. The destination is the same, but the way we get there is not. So, please be thoughtful. Be helpful. Be considerate. We don't want special treatment. We don't expect you to understand. How is it that a group of strangers that don't know us from Adam are so kind and caring? The world of Down syndrome is a pretty unique world. A world where no one judges. No one really complains. It's a world where each day brings new hope. The world may not be perfect, but so far, this new world we have become a part of seems like a pretty perfect world to me.

And with parenting a child will special far as I'm concerned, he has no special needs. His needs are to be loved and to be believed in. Lennox is a baby who will grow into a boy and then into a man. He will grow with our love and guidance, just as our others will. He will learn to be kind, to love and respect, and to work hard. It may not be the easiest at times, but we will figure it out as we go. As long as he knows he's loved to the moon and back and as long as my other kiddos know the same, then we are doing alright! It IS a PERFECT world:)

I love my PERFECT life!

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