Yesterday was a decent day. The sun was out for most of the day and the rain held off until after bedtime. Usually when the sun is out it makes me happy, but for some reason this weekend I have felt kind of blah... It's been a long week and I guess it's catching up with me.
Friday night was date night. Hubby and I went out for dinner and left the little ones with Grandma and Grandpa. Magnus always loves it when they watch him because he gets the treats that I like to limit and he stays up past his bedtime. But that's what Grandparents are for, and it makes him happy, so what is better than that? He has a very special relationship with his Fafa, and I can already see that Lennox will too.
Anyway, while we were out, Mr. Monkey rolled over on his own for the first time. Bittersweet. So happy that he finally did it, but disappointed that I missed out. We have been working on it all week! Little turkey:) I did get to witness it all day however. He thinks he's a big man on campus and so he should. We had a little celebration every time. Still working on his sitting, but he slowly getting the hang of it. He is a strong boy and actually sits better with very little support when he's distracted. I don't get it. But whatever works, I'll gladly take.
I had him at Children's Emerg again this past Monday for respiratory issues thanks to his cold. He became stridorous and we had a couple of sleepless nights. During his nap on Monday, I could hear his breathing getting a little more laboured and I actually noticed him having brief but frequent apneic spells, lasting about 2 seconds or so. So off we went. I wasn't going to play around with that overnight. He needed a couple of epinephrine inhalations to help with the immediate swelling followed by my favourite medication, Dexamethasone. They are questioning tracheomalacia, seeing as every time he gets sick, he has stridor and is a little young for Croup. It's something we need to keep in the back of our mind anyway, and if it happens again, we more than likely will be seeing ENT. We stayed 6 hours or so, until they were happy with his breathing. Home just after 1:00 am. He is much better now and has since passed his cold onto his brother. He's such a good baby even when he's sick. My sweet little man:) It really sucks when kids are sick. I worry a little more, sleep a little lighter and am a lot quicker to take him to the doctor, than any of the others. Only because he is more susceptible and his little body seems to get hit harder and way more often. Sigh*

(This is him sick)
I have been busy with my Facebook page and website, trying to bring awareness and education for Ds. People ask me what am I trying or hoping to do. I don't really understand the reason behind the question. And I never know how to answer. The best way I can describe my hopes is this... I want to inform. I want to advocate. I want the rest of the world to see what we see. I want the doubters to become believers. And I'd like the believers to become advocates. I want to speak for my son. For him and his friends. For the strangers we see in the community and for the unborn. In hopes that maybe we can change the perception as to what the future may hold...
I sometimes am made to feel like it may be a hopeless idea. And I am being annoying or pushy. And maybe, just maybe I shouldn't care so much. I know that the people that care are already aware and offer some great support. I am learning as our journey goes on, that support comes from people you wouldn't expect. And where you thought you'd receive an abundance, you actually receive very little. It's interesting... I was also told that good people don't judge. That may be true. And I am grateful for that. But those same good people may not fully comprehend what the world of Down syndrome looks like. From the proper terminology to stereotyping to underestimating the abilities and possibilities of those with Ds. That's what I am hoping to do. I hope to clarify any misinformation. I don't expect to enlighten the immature fools that post pictures of themselves making funny faces on Instagram and give it a #downsyndrome. Or the ones that purposefully seek out photos of people or children with Ds and make rude comments. Unfortunately, I feel those kind of people have bigger issues and can't be"educated". I only wish we could change their perspective. But I guess I'll never know unless I try.
So I have started a mini campaign on my Facebook page called Opening Hearts and Minds. If you're on Facebook and haven't checked out the page, you should:) Maybe even give it a 'like'!! I have no idea what I am doing, and I don't even know if I am accomplishing what I am hoping to, but again, I feel I have to try. Many parents have come forward and want their kiddies to be a part of the project, which I think is awesome! I will keep you updated. So far, so good. It's a little slow taking off but I expected that. I will try to be patient, and better yet, try to keep my head up while waiting. Thanks to all that follow and support. It means the world to me<3
Here's a few cute pics just because:)
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